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Valentine’s Day seems to jump up on people every year and finding the perfect gift can often be a challenge. Browsing the web is one of the best ways to find inspiration for your partner’s perfect gift and you can also find great deals, so you’re not burning a hole in your pocket at the same time. At TheGivingMachine, we’ve partnered with a wide range of retailers that can provide you with great gifts for your partner. Whenever you buy from a participating retailer, such as The Body Shop, Hotel Chocolat and Pandora, we’ll take a small percentage of your purchase total and convert this into free donations, at no extra cost to you. The donations will go to up to 4 charitable causes of your choice!

It’s simple and easy to sign up to TheGivingMachine and once you do, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that every time you buy from a participating retailer, you’ll be making a meaningful contribution towards charities close to you heart. Sign up and make a difference.
