You can generate free donations every time you shop online, using Shop&Give.
With over 2,000 of your favourite online shops participating, raising donations is easy, whatever you are buying.
The retailers pay Shop&Give sales commissions for referring your business to them, which we convert into donations, so, you can support your favourite causes at no extra cost to you.
The money comes from something you already do… shopping online
You choose who you would like to support. Perhaps a local primary school, an animal charity, a hospice, maybe a medical research charity or a community group
There are over 9,500 causes registered with Shop&Give, with more joining every week
Our charity was setup in 2006, to benefit UK based causes in every local community
There are no shareholders to pay and with Gift-Aid, you can donations go even further
We would love you to join the growing number of people who shop and give for free
It’s easy to join and share with your friends and family
A small change in the way you shop online, does make a difference … and we can make a huge impact together
Click, shop and give for free at Shop&