Quick Signup to support PrefaceMorn

The enormous generosity of our supporters enables us to create and perform our integrated practice/work in public spaces for all audiences. There are lots of levels which your support can help us achieve - * £50 will support the materials needed for one workshop for 20 abled-bodied and non able-bodied people. * £250 will support us to obtain and book spaces for our R&D's or workshops to take place in. * £500 will allow us to extend the reach of our work to different communities via our in-office marketing and website for a year. * £1,000 will support mentoring for a disabled young person for a year and our research into Audio described performance. * £3,000 will support a week’s movement based residency for 20 abled-bodied and non able-bodied performers. * £20,000 will support our next production with a small cast of 3-4 abled-bodied and non able-bodied artists. * £90,000 will support our next production with abled-bodied and non able-bodied artists. Any donation, big or small will make a difference to our work. Regular donations will enable us to continue to create and continue our important integrated work, accessible to all audiences every year. Do you shop online? If the answer is yes you can help raise money for Prefacemorn. All you have to do is register with The Giving Machine selecting PrefaceMorn as your chosen cause and shop to your heart’s content via The Giving Machine and some of your purchase commission will be donated to Prefacemorn. Please do tell your friends and family how they can help us at no extra cost too!

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