Quick Signup to support Group B Strep Support

Now you can generate free donations for Group B Strep Support every time you shop online via TheGivingMachine. Sign up and support Group B Strep Support - get started now or browse the huge range of shops that are participating. Please do tell your friends and family how they can help Group B Strep Support at no extra cost too. Group B Strep is the most common cause of life-threatening infection in newborn babies and of meningitis in babies under 3 months. Most group B Strep infections are preventable. GBS is a common bacterium 'carried' by up to 30% of adults. Usually harmless, yet it causes at least 500 serious group B Strep infections in babies in the UK each year. Devastatingly, most of these infections are preventable - simply and cheaply - by giving women in known higher-risk situations antibiotics in labour. Group B Strep Support (GBSS) is the only charity in the UK focussed on preventing group B Strep infections in newborn babies. We raise awareness of group B Strep and good preventative practice, offering information to families affected by group B Strep and relevant health professionals. Longer term, we support research into preventing group B Strep infection in newborn babies.

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